Moles are notorious for their ability to wreak havoc on lawns and gardens. In Part 1, we discussed the signs of mole invasions and the reasons why they might be present in your yard. In Part 2 of this article, we will discuss effective ways to get rid of moles.
Natural Ways to Get Rid of Moles
One of the most popular natural ways to eliminate moles is by planting natural deterrents. These plants include daffodils, alliums, and marigolds. These plants produce a strong odor that is unpleasant to moles and they will usually avoid those areas.
Another natural way to get rid of moles is by using castor oil. Castor oil is a natural repellent that is safe for use around pets and children. Mix a few tablespoons of castor oil with water and spray the mixture in areas where moles have been spotted.
Creating barriers is another effective way to keep moles out of your yard. You can install barriers using materials like rocks, mesh, or wire. These barriers should be buried a few inches below the ground’s surface to prevent moles from burrowing underneath them.
Chemical Ways to Get Rid of Moles
If natural methods fail to work, chemical methods can be used. Repellents are one of the most common chemical methods. These repellents contain ingredients like castor oil, peppermint oil, and garlic oil and work by creating an unpleasant odor that moles will avoid.
Fumigants can also be used to get rid of moles. These fumigants work by releasing toxic gases that kill moles. However, fumigants can be dangerous if not used correctly and should only be used by professionals.
Poison is another chemical method that can be used to eliminate moles. However, poison can be dangerous to other animals that might eat the poisoned mole, so it should only be used as a last resort.
Trapping Moles
Trapping is one of the most effective ways to get rid of moles. There are different types of traps, including live traps and kill traps. Live traps are humane and allow you to release the mole elsewhere. Kill traps are designed to kill the mole quickly and humanely.
When setting traps, it is important to locate active mole tunnels. These tunnels can be identified using a stick to poke a hole in the ground. If the hole is filled within a day or two, it is an active tunnel. Place the trap in the active tunnel, and cover it with a small amount of soil to prevent light from entering.
Successful trapping requires patience and persistence. Check the traps daily, and move them to new locations if they have not caught any moles after a few days.
Prevention of Moles in the Yard
Preventing moles from returning is essential to maintain a healthy lawn and garden. Maintaining a healthy lawn and garden is one way to prevent moles from returning. Moles are attracted to yards with unhealthy grass and soil. Regular watering, fertilizing, and mowing can help keep your lawn healthy.
Regular monitoring of your yard can also help prevent mole infestations. Look for signs of mole activity, like raised ridges or mounds of dirt.
Getting rid of moles from your yard and garden requires a combination of methods and patience. By understanding mole behavior and following the tips in Parts 1 and 2 of this article, you can successfully eliminate and prevent them from returning, ensuring a beautiful and healthy outdoor space. Remember, taking action to get rid of moles is important for the health of your lawn and garden, so don’t let these pesky critters take over your yard.
Trap Your Moles are the best mole-trapping pros in the Cincinnati, Dayton, Springfield, Indiana, Wilmington, and Northern KY areas. If you’re looking for the best mole trapping pros in Dayton, we can help you! Call us today for a free consultation!
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